Go fuck yourselfs, You noble creatures! I don’t want any help. I never asked for it. And if I did I take it back. “Love” is no reward for me. So stop chanting I deserve it. If you have the answers than why are you so obsessed with me? I never felt alone, Just isolated. I never felt surprised, just lost. I think of pink elephants and you deliver. On a billboard, on a T-shirt, in a child’s hand…” ladies and gentlemen! Get your pink elephant shaped teapot for only 9.99$!” Is my life a joke to you?! You think this is helping? You think this is comforting? Get out of my mind!!! Or maybe I never had a mind? Is that it? Maybe I’m a mirror? An empty room with a false sense of self. Maybe I’m a corridor through which things travel on their way into reality. I’m forced to watch as they go through me on the way to someone else. Do you care? Do my feelings sadden you? Or am I just a tool? Is there any place inside of me that belongs to me? If there is, then I am locking you out. No matter how small or dark. It’s mine and you don’t get to see it. I’ll have a small world in there. And when I’ll talk to myself no one will answer.